Due to essential maintenance the WEST Footpath/Cycleway is CLOSED except during weekends . please use the EAST Footpath/Cycleway.
There are roadworks in both directions.
Access RestrictionsFollowing the submission of a planning application for the Forth Bridge Experience to City of Edinburgh Council in January 2022, including outline designs, a planning decision is expected by the end of June 2022.
In advance of this, Network Rail has commenced a procurement exercise to appoint a contractor to deliver the reception hub building and landscaping. Network Rail is working with Balfour Beatty, the existing bridge maintainer, on the methodology of delivering the bridge works.
Once the project has received planning approval, Network Rail will progress the project to the next stage of development and then delivery.
More information on the project can be found on the Scotland’s Railway website: Forth Bridge Experience (scotlandsrailway.com)’