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Squares Forth Bridge (1)
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Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpaths and cycleway - West Footpath Closed Except Weekends

Due to essential maintenance the West Footpath is closed, except weekends.

High Winds - Forth Road Bridge

Caution - High Winds on the Forth Road Bridge

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Walks in North Queensferry

North Queensferry

Explore North Queensferry

North Queensferry has some attractive walks around the village and peninsula. Its position on the Fife Coastal Path is ideal for keen walkers and offers easy access to the historic Fife Pilgrim Way.

Forth Bridges Trail

Explore North Queensferry, the bridges and South Queensferry by following the fantastic Forth Bridges Trail which is specially designed to guide you to points of interest. Newly installed signage will give you lots of interesting information and you can use your smartphone to scan the QR codes to explore more online.

North Queensferry Village Walk

The village walk will take you around many points of interest including:

  • Heron House – formerly a barn converted to a fish gutting works and known as Herring House
  • Yoll Cottage – this 18th century cottage used to sit on the shoreline. The bay has been pushed back by infill from the quarry
    Melinkie Cottage – formerly the village school
  • St James Chapel - where locals got the first choice of the fisherman's catches
  • Cadgers Slip – where fisherman landed their catch
  • Albert Hotel – which gave shelter to travellers and had stables for horse-drawn carriages
  • The Harbour Lighthouse, Signal House and Town Pier
  • The Black Cat Inn – one of the oldest houses in the village
  • Kings Way - beside the Black Cat Inn that led to the less steep path to Inverkeithing via West Bay
  • Willie’s Well – which once provided water for the village
  • White House, Brae House and the wall-mounted sundial which would have hurried travellers on to their crossing
  • The War Memorial, Jubilee Well and Waterloo Well
  • Carlingnose Nature Reserve

The route is designed by North Queensferry Heritage Trust and full details can be found on their website.

North Queensferry Peninsula Walk

Walk the Fife Coastal Path The peninsula walk starts at the War Memorial and leads you around the headland for some stunning views. It takes around two hours to complete. You’ll need good shoes and some stamina for the hilly bits.

The route is designed by North Queensferry Heritage Trust and full details can be found on their website.

Starting at North Queensferry, you can follow the Fife Coastal Path to Inverkeithing. Thought to date back to Roman times, Inverkeithing is home to the Hospitium - the best surviving example of a friary building left in Scotland. The walk will take you around 90 minutes and there are plenty of places in Inverkeithing to refuel before taking a gentle walk back.

For a longer walk, the Fife Coastal Path skirts the ancient Kingdom of Fife for an epic 117 miles. You can head west towards Culross or east towards Inverkeithing. Find out more about the route from the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust.

Fife Pilgrim Way 

For 400 years, St Andrews in Fife was one of the main pilgrimage destinations in Europe. Pilgrims walked to St Andrews to pray to the remains of St Andrew (one of Jesus’ disciples) as this was thought to be the next best thing to being in the Holy Land. St Andrews ranked alongside popular disciple destinations such as Rome (St Peter) and Santiago de Compostela (St James the Great). The Fife Pilgrim Way follows one of the cross-country routes taken by countless pilgrims to Scotland’s holy journey’s end.

You can find out more about the route from the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust.



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