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Squares Forth Bridge (1)
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Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpaths and cycleway - West Footpath Closed Except Weekends

Due to essential maintenance the West Footpath is closed, except weekends.

High Winds - Forth Road Bridge

Caution - High Winds on the Forth Road Bridge

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Hopetoun House & Midhope Castle

South Queensferry

A Top Attraction

Located on the historical yet innovative Hopetoun Estate, Hopetoun House and Midhope Castle are a 30-minute walk apart and offer a great day out.

The estate was recently awarded a 5-Star Visitor Attraction by VisitScotland so give yourself a full day to explore.

Hopetoun House 

The home of the Hope family, Hopetoun House is an exquisite country house set in beautiful grounds with nature trails and scenic walks.
Built 300 years ago, the estate is a place of outstanding natural beauty and yet retains the warmth, intimacy and welcome of a family home.
The house will be familiar to viewers of Outlander (series 1-3) as the home of the Duke of Sandringham, the setting for the duel between the Duke and the head of the McDonald Clan, and the Parisian street. You can collect a map to help you find these and other Outlander filming locations.

If Hopetoun is new to you, you’ve got a great experience in store. The house offers glorious interiors, more or less as they were 300 years ago. Take a step back into the elegant Georgian era with pleasing symmetry and ornate craftsmanship.

The 6,500-acre estate is a joy to explore. It manages to respect its history whilst innovating to preserve the land for future generations. As home to over 70 tenants, there is a lovely sense of community. The farms produce arable and livestock including Aberdeen Angus cattle, sheep, free-range chickens and bronze turkeys, all available in the farm shop.

Much thought has been given to providing an imaginative visitor experience. Children are welcomed with an exciting range of activities from geocaching, children’s trails and the Ranger Service which works in partnership with Nature Scot. The Sea Walk trail takes in the historic pet cemetery, herds of red deer, bird spotting, the historical site of Abercorn Castle, and views to Rosyth shipyard and Blackness Castle. The Spring Garden Trail takes you through daffodils, snowdrops, the walled garden, bluebells and more. And the sympathetically restored Stables Kitchen offers an excellent selection of fresh, local food and good coffee.

Midhope Castle 

Midhope Castle, the fictional Lallybroch in the Outlander series, is located on the wider Hopetoun Estate. It dates back to the 15th century and from the exterior, looks to be fully intact. Sadly, the interior is derelict so whilst you might get a great photo of the outside, the visitor experience is fairly limited. Probably one for diehard fans of Outlander – and you will need a ticket to access the area.

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Visiting Hopetoun House & Midhope Castle

Useful information
  • Hopetoun House is largely accessible to those with mobility difficulties
  • Designated parking for Blue Badge holders is directly adjacent to the House (please ask for directions at the ticket kiosk when you arrive)
  • The Hopetoun Estate postcode is EH30 9RW then follow the brown tourist signs
  • Midhope Castle | South Queensferry, EH30 9SL
Visit Hopetoun House Website >
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